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Monday, October 8, 2012

The (Almost) Lion King

The (Almost) Lion King

The (Almost) Lion King

The (Almost) Lion King

Dog Blog Post #834

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "343. Odd Ball"

There's something just a little bit odd about the boys, today.

I can't quite put my finger on it.

Our Daily Challenge - Oct 8, 2012 - "Movie Poster"

The Lion King debuted just about the same time as my son did, and when he had his first "video crush" (you know, that One Video that the kid just can never seem to get enough of?) this was it.

Thankfully, Disney bestowed the film with plenty of adult friendly humor.

It's a good thing, because by the time he outgrew it, Hubby and I could practically recite it from memory!

* Note: While Zachary is an old pro with the "paws up" cue, for whatever reason I haven't done much with it with Henry.

So this evening, after I was satisfied with Zachary's shots, I sat down with Henry to work on the skill. Treat by treat, I worked to get his paws closer and closer until they were near, touching, and finally standing on the footstool.

He was so proud of himself (and quite pleased to have polished off an entire ramekin of cookies) that I decided to go ahead and get a shot with the lion's mane on. His slightly shorter muzzle and head position gave him the winning shot.



Yeah... there was a slider or two pushed on that one.

Here's the original.


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. The boys make great lions! That was a great idea for the assignments, too! I've seen that movie a few too many times myself. *grin*
