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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat
Henry: "I'm stuffed."

Trick or Treat
Zachary: "Me too."

Trick or Treat
Zachary: "We better not tell mom how many treats we ate. I don't think she'd be very happy."

Eh hem... and how many would that be, Zachary?

Trick or Treat
Zachary: "Uh... three or four..."
Henry: "... dozen, that is." (burp)

Dog Blog Post #857

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "366. Trick or Treat"

Our Daily Challenge Oct 31, 2012 - "Trick or Treat"


You tell them not to eat all their treats on Halloween night, but do they listen?

Trick or Treat

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Oh this is very nice! Lovely shots! And oooh... I would eat more than a dozen. I see there's plenty more in that pumpkin. Hope you guys had a great Halloween!

    Solid Gold Dancer

  2. I am still giggling like mad over this serious! It's the perfect after Halloween shot! And what was Kitty into?

  3. hopefully the boys don't have an upset 'tummy' this morning! :)
