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Monday, November 12, 2012

A Night Out

Night Out
"We're heading out for a night on the town."

Night Out
Zachary: "We'll go to a fancy restaurant."
Henry: "Cookies!"

Boys! Where are your manners. You need to take your hats off at the table.

Night Out
"Ok, Momma!"
"We'll remember."

What else will you do?

Night Out
"Go to the opera!"
"Phantom of the Cookies!"

That sounds wonderful, Henry, but you'll need to wear your tuxedo, too.

Night Out
"Yes, Momma"

Very handsome.

Night Out

Dog Blog Post #869

Photography Assignment

The boys put on their finest…

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 12, 2012 - "Clothes"

… including tuxedo, cravat, fedora, and top hat in order to be...

Daily Dog Challenge "378. Dress(ed) For Success"

Table Setting

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. The boys clean up so well! Kuster says he feels a little underdressed after seeing all their finery. The girls will be knocking down your door!

  2. dressed for success! and so 'houndsome too'!
