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Monday, November 5, 2012

Be Prepared

Be Prepared
Zachary: "Ok mom, that's the last of it."

Good! You have everything then?

Be Prepared
Zachary: "Yup - Emergency kits, water, and food. Check!"

Wonderful! You did a good job.

Aww... and you even included Kitty!

Be Prepared
Henry (whispering to Zachary) : "I told you that would make Momma happy."

And what do you want to tell everyone out there?

Be Prepared
"Be Prepared!"

Dog Blog Post #861

Photography Assignment

The boys were quite upset viewing the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, so I thought it might be helpful for them to do their own emergency preparedness check.

I had them pull out their…

Daily Dog Challenge "370. Red"

… Cross Emergency Preparedness Starter Kits, and other things important to have handy in case of an emergency.

I was rather touched they included Kitty in their plans. Perhaps there is hope for the three of them after all.

Our Daily Challenge - Nov. 4, 2012 - "I'm Thankful For…"

… my boys, of course!

And that we are all together safe and sound. And I hope all those affected by Sandy get their lives back together again as soon as possible.

Monday Mischief

I'm thinking that nasty hurricane made more than enough mischief for now.

Be Prepared

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I'm glad you're all so prepared! I think they look awfully cute, too!

  2. great advice Zach and Henry! and you too, Mr. Kitty!

  3. Roooo - you've packed a c-a-t? I can only assume its for extra provisions *waggy tail*. Great photos as usual!

  4. Well this brings a whole new meaning to "cat food". Wait. They're not going to eat the cat?

  5. I noticed they were sure to include their emergency treats too :)

  6. A Kitty?!? Well, I suppose every animal must be kept safe. *wag wag wag*

  7. Excellent reminder that we all should have a kit. I'm glad the boys included kitty in their preparations!
