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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Don't Do It Kitty!

Don't Do It Kitty!

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

Dog Blog Post #862

Photography Assignment

I had hoped Kitty would heed my…

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 5. 2012 - "Words of Wisdom"

… to:

"Let Sleeping Dogs Lie"

... but apparently she didn't!

Daily Dog Challenge "371. Muted Tones"

Behind the Scenes

No, I don't have a black wall.

I do have a metal frame I can snap together to hang backdrops on, and that's what I used today - with my favorite black stretchy velvet draped over the top bar set high enough to be out of the shot but low enough that I could reach over it.

Behind the sofa and velvet is a dog crate, which we haven't used since Henry was a pup and is now a flat surface to stack Family Room "precious objects" (i.e. photography props) on top of. The pile is... colorful... and makes a hideous backdrop, hence the need for the black stretchy velvet fabric "wall".

Also behind the sofa and velvet was me, calling Zachary around from his down-stay to capture his "waking up".

Picture #2, #3, and particularly #4 are dead give-aways as to my location as Henry's nose (and Zachary's in #4) is pointed too high and left to actually be looking at Kitty.

For shot #5 I resorted to putting cookies on Kitty's back (hidden behind her head) resulting in the most loving looks she's probably ever gotten from the boys. :)

The Happy Family
The Happy Family

Editor's Note: Ok people, Kitty was most definitely NOT meant to be PART of yesterday's Be Prepared survival provisions. 

At least... I don't think she was....


... and before anyone brings it up, no Kitty's were harmed in today's shoot, either! :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Kitty must never have heard the saying "Let sleeping cats lie".


  2. Kitty's appearances always crack me up! You did a great job with these shots, and I know how tough it is to make it appear that they're looking at something. You do really well with that!

  3. darn kitty, disturbing the golden boy's beauty sleep! :)

  4. Kitty has the upper hand in these photos. Your boys are sweet, though.

  5. Loved this series! Henry & Zachary played right along with your cues...they are so well trained.
