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Friday, November 2, 2012



Happy Pumpkins

Dog Blog Post #859

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 2, 2012 - "Repetition"

Daily Dog Challenge "368. Selective Focus"

My favorite was the shot at the top, as it felt (to me) like I was focusing on the same thing that Zachary was - the top ball in the middle.

The second shot has Zachary in the background, not that you can tell! But the pumpkins were too cute to pass up one last photo op before they went back into their box for another year.

And for your comparison pleasure, we have shots below, essentially identical in every way and setting (1/100s, f/1.8, ISO 400, 50mm) with the exception of what I focused on.

Happy Pumpkins
Focused on front row of pumpkins

Happy Pumpkins
Focused on the boys

And finally, the October Mosaic for The Monthly Scavenger Hunt...

October 2012

And the challenges were:

1. A Rainbow of color
2. Sticks and Stones
3. Nursery Rhyme
4. Orange
5. Reflected in the mirror
6. Mountains
7. Winter fashion (or winter hat)
8. A different perspective
9. Unusual clouds
10. Bird (s) flying (not dots in the sky) (up close)
11. A dead tree
12. Bokeh
13. Circles
14. Water drops
15. Many of the same thing

Not a great month for the boys, as they appear in just 9 of the 15. Must do better this month!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. I bet Zachary just couldn't wait to get his jaws on that ball! Love your study in focusing.

  2. Beautiful. I like the last of the four photos best - the focus of the boys. Mosaic, which one is the mountains? The one with all the gourdes?
