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Friday, November 23, 2012


Sleepy Zachary

Come to Me, Cookie Jar
Zachary, willing the cookie jar his way

Come to Me, Cookie Jar
Henry's, "Put down the book Momma and play tug with me!" look.
(No, I can't resist it.)

Failed attempt at glowing candles plus Henry.

Dog Blog Post #880

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "389. A Soft Glow - Interpret it however you want, by creating a photo with a soft glow in some way or by taking a photo that gives us a soft glow!"

I had also hoped to pick up Our Daily Challenge's "Ravages of Time" by showing the progression of the candle melting down, but without the glowing aspect, the connection with the topic was just to lame to support posting.

THIS is what I wanted it to look like...

Successful glowing candles, but no dogs.

Oh, for yesterday's Beautiful Light....


Editor's Note: If you missed yesterday's Gratitude post, and are curious how I got the shot above, click the link. I try to describe what I did in the bottom half of the post.

Alas, since the sun only comes in the window for a short time this time of year, if I miss it (as I did today) I'm out of luck.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. I like the pic of the dog and the candles.

  2. Sage gives me the same look that Henry has on his face.

  3. As always your photos are gorgeous. I've actually tried a few of your suggestions...unfortunately I don't quite have your knack. Good job, lovely dogs!

  4. I love that top shot! You got some beautiful light to work with! And of course, the fact that your models are fantastic didn't hurt any, either!
