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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Going Someplace?

Going Someplace?
"Bye Mom"
"Bye Momma"
Are you going someplace, boys?

Bye Zachary
"Yup, we're off to find fame and fortune!"

Bye Henry
"Bye bye, Momma"  (sniff)

Well, take care of yourselves.

I'm really going to miss you.

Bye Henry
"Me, too, Momma!"




Dog Blog Post #866

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge 375. "A Simple Gesture - Show us a simple gesture from your dog and let's see if we can interpret it!"

The boys don't have a separate cue for…

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 9, 2012 - "Wave"

… but I can get the behavior reliably (especially for Zachary) if I warm them up first with a few shakes.

After that, they will continue to extend their paw toward my outstretched hand, whether we connect or not, so long as I reward them for the effort.

The effect, on camera, is something like a wave.

Zachary loves to show off this behavior, and shakes/waves with so much enthusiasm I was worried he might knock the light stands over!

(The tongue sticking out was purely luck. Whether good or bad depends on if you find it as funny as I do. Or not.)


Henry has the most expressive tail of any dog I've ever known.

He flips, flourishes, twists and twirls it as a constantly waving flag.

About the only time it stops wagging is when he's thinking really hard about something. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Hey Henry, Hey Zachary, Jet here.

    Gosh we've missed visiting. As always, pawesome photo. We so enjoy the backstory.

  2. I, too, love the tongue and your interpretation! They do a really nice hand-shake.

  3. Love the photos! (And the kitty cat!)

  4. don't leave boys, blogville won't be the same without you!
    that tail of Henry's would be great for dusting?..or maybe knocking things off the coffee table?

  5. Oh My what a face...so expressive...thanks fur sharing
