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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Noble Dog

King Zachary

The Noble Canine

The Noble Canine

King Henry VIII

The Noble Canine

Dog Blog Post #864

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 7, 2012 - "In Your Home"

In my home are a pair of...

Daily Dog Challenge "373. "Noble"

… canines.

And they know it.

Trivia: There were 10 puppies in Henry's litter, 8 of which were boys. And yes, that fact played at least a small part in how Henry (the 8th) got his name. :)

The Noble Canine

Editor's Note: Not sure why, but I was really happy with how today's shots came out.

Was it the lighting? The colors? The tones? The crispness? The boys looking particularly photogenic?

Haven't a clue.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love all the shots! I don't know how you chose one favorite! lol I knew the boys would be able to pull off noble really well, but wow! They look fantastic today. I love those days when things just seem to line up and make for a perfect outcome!

  2. Henry the 8th?..how cute! and noble too!

  3. They're all great! Sage would LOVE that red pillow. She keeps hinting that she needs one.....
