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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wall of Treats

Wall of Treats

Wall of Treats
"Thanks, Mom!"

Dog Blog Post #867

Photography Assignment

Short on time, just moments away from running off to see Skyfall*, so I had Hubby lug the bags of kibble we had purchased earlier in the day into the kitchen so I could build a…

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 10, 2012 - "Wall"

… of dog food and treats.

The boys certainly thought it was an...

Daily Dog Challenge "376. Interesting Backdrop"

* thoroughly enjoyed the movie! :)

Behind the Scenes

Hard to tell, even in the shot below...

Wall of Treats

... but the black backdrop - that is, the cardboard backboard the black stretchy fabric is draped over - is actually about two feet from the kitchen cabinets in these shots.

I've used rubber bands and binder clips to hold the backboard in place in front of a pair of kitchen chairs.

For shot at the top of the post, I've placed myself in the narrow gap behind the cardboard in order to get the boys to look straight ahead.

Wall of Treats

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. now the big question is 'how long does the wall of treats last?'

  2. I bet they thought they were in doggy heaven!
