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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Your Furry...

Henry's Tail

Henry's Tail

Henry's Tail

Dog Blog Post #868

Photography Assignment

When I think of…

Daily Dog Challenge "377. Your Furry…"

I can't help but think of "tail".

Specifically, Henry's glorious plume, which he wields with the grace, expressiveness, and style one might expect from a cat. :)

This long...

Our Daily Challenge - Nov 11, 2012 - "Hair"

... is particularly showy when backlit.

Monday Mischief

Well, there really wasn't any this weekend - unless photo-bombing counts :)

Henry's Tail

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. Bwahahahaha! Great shadow photo bomb.

  2. The photo bomb cracked me up!

    I love how the light shines through that tail fur to make it look like a work of art!
