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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Pictures Round 2

Santa Henry

Really Henry?

Santa Henry


I give up. Zachary, come over and show the pup how it's done.

Santa Zachary

Not you, too!

Come on, one good picture with the Santa Hat.

Santa Zachary

Is a smile to much to ask for?

Fine - Henry, one last try...

Santa Henry

Yay! We have a winner!

Dog Blog Post #900

Photography Assignment

It's time to take the yearly Christmas Picture, complete with Paw...

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 13, 2012 - "Prints"

… on the background fabric and a Santa Hat...

Daily Dog Challenge 409. On Top - Take a picture of your dog with something on his or her head today."

… their heads.

What is it about kids and Christmas pictures?

Mr. Zachary
Mr. Zachary - looking incredibly handsome without the goofy Santa hat.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. The boys definitely never fail to make me smile! At least it wasn't Kitty who showed them up this time!

  2. winner winner..chicken dinner!! those boys of yours are winners in my book!!

  3. The girls want a double date... they have the same Christmas festive collars!
