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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Game Night

Game Night

Game Night

Dog Blog Post #903

Photography Assignment

Sunday Night Football finds Hubby, the boys, and I stretched out on the Big Bed watching Our Team playing a cold, drippy away game.

On a whim, I grabbed the camera to see what I could capture using nothing but the...

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 16, 2012 - "Glowing"

… light of the TV. I found it made...

Daily Dog Challenge "412. A Soft Glow"

… around the boys that was rather… interesting.

FWIW: Above is a sleepy Zachary resting his head on the back of a curled up and fast-asleep Henry.

Go Niners!

(But did you have to turn a sleeper of a win into a nail-biting squeaker?

I was more than happy when it was 31-3. There was no need to let the Patriots tie the game at 31-31.


Thankfully, you pulled out a 41-34 win, but I'm pretty sure I sprouted a new gray hair or two in the process.)

Monday Mischief

Not only did the Niners make the game way more exciting than it should have been, but it also prevented us from going on the nightly walkie.

I'm pretty sure the boys would consider that to be mischief, although neither was complaining while they were snuggled up with us for three hours on the Big Bed.

Game Night

Game Night

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. That first shot is just beautiful. Really brings out the fur.

  2. Nice pictures! Happy Monday.

  3. This is a really interesting use of lighting...the boys are really highlighted.

  4. I really love the glow you got for these shots, and I'm sure the boys forgive you for not taking them for a walk just this once!
