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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sleepy Boys

Alright boys, who is up for a photo shoot?

I know it was a really busy day today, but I've got this snazzy new lens to play with and... Zachary?

Long Day
"I had such a great day, Mom. And I loved the toys and treats that Santa Paws left us..."

Long Day
"... but... zzzzzzzz"

Henry, surely you're up for some posing. I've got some really really great treats tonight!

Long Day
"Oh, Momma. It was such a fun day with Grandma and Grandpa over..."

Long Day
"... and getting to shred up all the wrapping paper, but... (yawn)..." 

Long Day

Dog Blog Post #912

Photography Assignment

The boys were so excited to find Santa Paws brought them treats and toys.

They had so much fun shredding all the unwrapped present's wrapping paper.

They enjoyed entertaining the grandparents for the entire afternoon.

But when time finally came for the photographer to try out her new NIKKOR 135mm f/2 lens the models, dog tired and unable to keep their eyes open, said…

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 25, 2012 - "Thanks"

… but no thanks.

And promptly went to sleep.

Oh well, tomorrow dawns a new day.

Long Day

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. It's always nice to see that your pups have had a nice time and then need a nap... mine did the same thing!

  2. Beautiful photos. I wish I had the patience and the camera to take photos like that. ;)

  3. Hi Y'all!

    Must have been an exciting and fun day to tire you both out so much!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog
