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Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Best Things In Life

Sneaking a Peek
"Whatcha buy us? Whatcha buy us?
"Is it fancy?"
"Is it expensive?"

Boys! Now aren't we being greedy.

We're Sorry
"Sorry Mom"
"Sorry Momma"

Don't you know that the best things in life are free?

What ARE They Doing?
(scribble scribble scribble)

Now what are you doing?

Just a Minute, Mom
"You'll see."


Aww.... you three are the best!

Dog Blog Post #890

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 12, 2012 - "The Best Things In Life Are Free"

… just ask the boys!

They didn't have any problems coming up with…

Daily Dog Challenge "408. 12/12/12"

… yes...

112 Pictures in 2012 - "#12 12-12-12"

… free things are really are The Best. :)

Behind the Scenes

Lately I've been trying to map out what I'm going to shoot for the day, keeping in mind the various daily/monthly/yearly challenge groups. Today's looked like this...

Plan for Today
(click to see a larger version on flickr)

On a good day, I can come up with a quasi-rational storyline for the blog using the shots. :)

That said, it is just starting place, and the observant will note I ultimately changed the first shot (second square) to the shot with the bag (first shot up top).

It turned out my original idea of me sitting and the dogs begging looked a whole lot better on paper than in real life.


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. This really is one of my favorite ideas that you have come up with ever! I wish I'd thought of it! Darn people for making me run ragged all week.

  2. awww..now this was cute! hugs, kisses and cuddles to your 'four legged buddies'!!

  3. Love the 12.12.12 photo! Your guys are always smiling! Whoa... fantastic idea on the story board! Love it.
