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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed?

Christmas Spiral

Dog Blog Post #910

Photography Assignment

Yes, yes... I'll get to yesterday's Mischief in just a minute. But first, we have...


Daily Dog Challenge "419. Golden Rule"

… of thirds, created by the line of the table and the vertical center of the...

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 23, 2012 - "Spiral"

… of sticky labels.

And now on to...

Mischief Monday

Sweet Charlie

Daily Dog Challenge "418. Something Sweet"

We puppy-sat last night for a sweet little black lab named Charlie. I'm guessing her to be 6-7 weeks old. She's just a little bit of a thing.

The boys were quite interested, to say the least, but she was much to small to allow introductions.

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 22, 2012 - "Chocolate"

It's a stretch to say there is a chocolate colored blanket in the background, I suppose, but she's just so cute I had to share. She certainly was as sweet as chocolate. :)

(A bit dark as I bounced the speedlight off the ceiling behind me so I wouldn't startle or "flash" her.)

Sweet Charlie

Sweet Charlie

Sweet Charlie

How small is she?

Here's Henry with the very same Lobster toy...

When I Was Just A Pup

Speaking of Henry, here he is right after she went home, examining the proof that Mischief had occurred...

Who's Been Sleeping...
"Momma, someone's been sleeping in my bed!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. oh Henry how sweet you are to share your bed with Charlie!

  2. So much adorable!

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Merry Christmas guys!! Love the photo, Henry!
