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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Writing Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards
Henry: "Come on, Uncle Zachary. You can do it."

Christmas Cards
Zachary: "I can't."

Christmas Cards
Zachary: "I just can't write another Christmas Card."

Dog Blog Post #891

Photography Assignment

Chin up Zachary, you can finish!

It looks like you have only two more Christmas…

Our Daily Challenge - Dec 4, 2012 - "Cards"

… left to write.

This year the boys decided they would be a bit...

Daily Dog Challenge "400. Unique"

… and chose a card with Kitty's picture on the front.

I'm sure all their friends are going to be surprised, aren't you?

Proud Kitty
The proud feline

Kitty Christmas Card

Editor's Note: Alas, it is all but a pretty fiction.

I used My Memory Suite digital scrapbook application to compose the jpg image (above) that formed the front of the "card". Then I printed out a copy on plain old paper, cut it out, and taped it to a folded sheet of paper to build the "card" Kitty is holding in the top three shots.

I then printed out a page with the Merry Christmas greeting on it to form the opened "card".

And that's as far as it goes.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Woof! Woof! I know it can be exhausting. Happy Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. I love the Christmas cards! You ought to put that shot into a calendar. I love it!

  3. nice job on the cards Zachary!..sending Christmas cards is a 'chore' that seems to have gone by the wayside with all the new fandangled internet and such! but me?..I am old school..I still send cards!

  4. Wonderful pictures and so very very creative. That's the way to get into the spirit!

  5. Great dogs and a beautiful kitty!

  6. What a fun (and creative) series of photos! I love all of the emotion and expression in the dogs' faces.



  7. Zachary makes me giggle. We all feel that way at this time of year!

  8. The kitty card is very sweet and I totally understand about writing out Christmas cards, it can be so exhausting! Especially when you model and blog too! Have a waggly day!
