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Tuesday, January 22, 2013



Dog Blog Post #940

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "449. A Day In The Life"

… of the boys always includes at least one, and often many, games of Bitey-Face.

Above is my favorite of 20 shots, with plenty of...

100 Pictures (2013) "#62. Body Parts"

… crammed into a small space.

There's Henry's left rear leg (center top) bent at a…

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 22, 2013 - "Right Angle"

… with his eye neatly framed by the bend.

We also have Zachary's mouth and his front left paw, also bent at right angles.

Editor's Note: After yesterday's Monday Morning post...

Monday Morning

... I figured I needed to show some action!

The Best of the Rest

Say Ahhhh!
Zachary: "La la la!!!!!"

Yoda Returns
Henry: "May the force be with you."


Actually, they are completely silent when they play, other than their paws thumping against the wall now and then.

Above, the Fearsome Face is Henry, as is the head on the right, below.



Any takers on guessing which dog is which, above?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Fantastic, beautiful, stunning photos!

  2. love how Henry's face face gets all mushed up! as for who is who?
    I really need to pay attention to the spots on the tongues but my guess would be Zach on the left and Henry on the right?

  3. Woof! Woof! Friendly Golden Bites. Happy Blog Paws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. Great photos!! I'm not guessing! Hugs & belly rubs!

  5. May The Force be with you totally cracked me up! You got some fantastic up close shots of them in action!

  6. I can't tell who is who in the pics but I love to watch a good game of bitey face.

    May the force be with you... that's too cute, Happy Wednesday!

  7. So adorable! I love watching dogs play. Mine are very loud. I love the photo of them hiding in the stuffed animals too!

  8. Fun photos as always. The treat spots kind of give the game away. Every time you post bitey face photos I yearn to get another dog for Toby...

  9. Good grief, you almost can't tell where one dog ends and the other dog begins. LOL
