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Saturday, January 26, 2013


So close and yet...
"So close and yet..."





Dog Blog Post #944

Photography Assignment

Peanut Butter - the ultimate...

Daily Dog Challenge "454. Tasty"


Our Daily Challenge - Jan 26, 2013 - "Snack"

…. at least according to the boys.

Pet Photography Tip of the Day

I love getting "tongue" pictures, but always seem to snap the picture at exactly the wrong the moment.

Using a remote makes it even worse, as there is a small but noticeable lag between when I click the button and when the camera fires.

Today, however, I did something different.

I let Zachary get a lick or two in with the spoon held about 6-8" higher than what I wanted, then I lowered the spoon and clicked the remote.

Whether because it was a good idea, or I just got lucky, the proportion of tongue to no tongue pictures shot up dramatically.

Your milage may vary.

Heck, my milage may vary the next time I try it!

Got Milk?
"Got Milk?"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Hi Y'all!

    Love the tongue!

    Love the comment on that last picture! BOL!!! Hope he's not like most of us pawed ones...lactose intolerant. BOL!!!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog
