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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cooking Class

Cooking Class
Zachary: "Today we shall be making cookies. Watch, and learn."

Oh, Hi Mom
Zachary: "First, you open the bag and pour the contents into the bowl..."
Henry: "Uh, Zachary..."

Oh, Hi Mom
Zachary: "... then you add one egg, some water, and a bit of oil..."
Henry: "... how are we going to pour the bag into this bowl?"

Now What?

Oh, Hi Mom

Dog Blog Post #934

Photography Assignment

I walked into the kitchen and what did I see?

Yup, the boys were…

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 16, 2013 - "Caught in the Act"

… of making Cookies.

Zachary's looking pretty confident, but Henry's obviously….

The Monthly Scavenger Hunt January - "#8. Thinking"

… this might be a bit harder than Zachary makes it sound.

Perhaps, upon further...

Daily Dog Challenge "443. Reflection"

... they'll reconsider the wisdom of their actions.

Editor's Note: Good grief, you'd think it would be easier to find a handy reflective surface.

Is nothing made of shiny metal anymore?

Does EVERYTHING have to be made from plastic?

The best I could come up with was this old mixing bowl. And while it dutifully reflected the tray it sat upon, it was admittedly a bit... weak.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. did they get a cookie for the fine demonstration of baking?

  2. The boys' expressions make this one of my favorite series that you've done! I think they should both be in movies, especially Henry!
