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Saturday, January 5, 2013

For Sale

For Sale

For Sale
"Zachary! I don't think Momma's gonna approve."

For Sale
"He he he he..."

For Sale
"Ladies and Gentleman, the bidding will start at..."

Dog Blog Post #922

Photography Assignment

I'm not sure if I should feel horrified they were trying to sell Kitty, or happy they at least thought she was worth something.

Daily Dog Challenge "431. Pastels"

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 4, 2013 - "Whimsical"

For Sale

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Great shots...I'd be happy to buy that kitty! Happy Saturday!

  2. They are greats shots. She must be used to posing for the camera :)

  3. you can't sell the kitty, Henry and Zach! What would Momma say?

  4. Poor kitty! She can come and stay here with us! *grin*
