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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Go Team!

Go Team!

Go Team!

Dog Blog Post #926

Photography Assignment

Last week we had School Id Pictures, and this week was reserved for team sports.

Hard to find a better team player than a Golden Retriever.

Daily Dog Challenge "435. A Hint of Color"

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 9, 2013 - "Numbers"

Yes, I raided son's closet again for props.

This helmet and jersey go back to his very first Lacrosse team.

Behind the Scenes

"And now for a peek behind the curtain, so to speak."

Behind the Scenes

For some reason, I like this shot.

Why did I take it?

Because my camera times out listening for the remote after just a minute or two, and there is nothing more frustrating than spending several minutes getting everything set up "Just So", only to find the camera has gone to sleep.

Therefore, when I'm engaged in an activity that takes more than a minute or two, I'll bang off a picture to keep the camera awake.

This is one of those pictures.

In this case, I've just finished getting Henry and the prop where I want them, and I'm about to put on the jersey.

Behind the Scenes

Jersey's with a V-neck are a bit of problem, as the boys pretty much lack shoulders to hold anything with a large neck opening on.

My solution is grab a handful of fabric in the back and hold it together temporarily with a binder clip.

Simple, but effective.

No, I'm not strangling my boy - the ramekin of treats is sitting on the floor while I do this and he is most attentive to it!

This is another of those "occasionally take a picture with the remote to keep the camera awake" shots.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. It's cool to see the process of how you work! It was also cool to see some of the Lacrosse stuff besides the orange ball. Zachary wears it well!

  2. Professional player meets professional player. I like the photo of you in front of Henry too. He's really intent on whatever that is in your hand.

  3. Rooo my human does the same thing with her remote control - I think you landed some really cool shot by keeping the camera awake! *Waggy tail*
