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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Like Fire and Oxygen

Zachary and his Lacrosse Ball
"Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball...."

And you wonder why we call him Ball Brain.

Zachary and his Lacrosse Ball
"Can I play with it now?"

Not yet Zachary.

Henry and Stuffies
"Stuffies are MUCH better than nasty Lacrosse Balls."

Henry and Stuffies
"Will you play tug with me?"

In a minute, Henry.

Dog Blog Post #921

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 3, 2012 - "Like Fire and Oxygen"

... and Zachary and his Lacrosse Ball..
... and Henry and his Stuffies and Wooly Toys...

Daily Dog Challenge "430. You Can't Have One Without The Other"

Zachary and his Lacrosse Ball

Henry and Stuffies

Yes, sweeties, now. :)


Still fiddling with low key, high contrast lighting.

As in recent days, the Speedlight is off camera and to the left, hiding behind the CFL umbrella.

Yes, I do own a reflector (a 2011 Christmas gift) that should even out the lighting a bit, but as I seem to lack the necessary genes to get it back in its bag I have done little with it.

As I can't keep shooting this way forever, I guess I'll have to throw myself on the mercy of Hubby (who bought the recalcitrant beast to begin with) to wrangle it back into the bag.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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