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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Modern Dog

Modern Dog

Whatcha reading there, Zachary?

Modern Dog
"Sports page."

Modern Dog
"I sure hope the Niners win!"

Modern Dog
"Or else..."

Dog Blog Post #930

Photography Assignment

Forget howling in the dark, the Modern Dog apparently keeps current by reading the Sports section while drinking his morning coffee.

Who knew?

(Go Niners!!!)

Daily Dog Challenge "439. The Modern Dog"

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 12, 2013 - "Modern"

113 Pictures in 2013 - "#87. Newspaper"


I set out tonight fully anticipating I would be picking a Henry shot. The prior two days I've picked Zachary shots as my favorite (the Rim Lighting shot and the Busted shot) and I do try to keep things fairly even between the boys.

Keeps their lawyers at bay.

Alas (for Henry) it wasn't meant to be. While Henry's pictures (below) came out just fine, Zachary's expressions cracked me up, and tonight funny won out.

Oh well, Henry. You'll get another shot at it tomorrow. Besides, if you were to sum up the number of "favorite shots" for each boy, I'm pretty sure Henry would come out on top.

His squishy, soulful, sweet face and all around softness gets me (almost) every time!

Modern Dog

Modern Dog

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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1 comment:

  1. I love that first photo of Zachary - I can really imagine a whole story related to that one!
