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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

National Hat Day

Low Down

Dog Blog Post #933

Photography Assignment

Raise your hand if you knew that today (Jan 15) is/was National Hat Day!

Still playing with lighting.

This has the flash on the right shooting through an umbrella, and a reflector on the left clamped to the fridge door to keep it in place.

Daily Dog Challenge "442. Simple Monochrome"

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 15, 2013 - "How Low Can You Go"

I'm pretty sure Henry can't get any lower than this, and the camera was sitting on the floor with the lens propped up just enough to be level.

In Color...

Henry in Hat

Minus the Hat


Minus the Dog

Jungle Kitty

Editor's Note: Jungle Kitty, who is just a tad smaller than the boys, was being a patient stand-in while I was trying to find something Just The Right Height to prop the lens on while the camera sat on the floor.

After going through way too many Wrong Sized Objects, it finally occurred to me to open a book and just start flipping pages until I had a stack Just The Right Height.

Warm-up Shot

Handsome Henry

Other Dog

Mr. Zachary

As Zachary doesn't have a particularly reliable Head Down cue, today's posing was more about Zachary earning cookies than satisfying any particular challenges.

Head Down is most likely the only trick where Henry is paws down superior to his Uncle.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. No i didn't know it was national hat hat- too funny. Love the lighting you achieved on the black and white photo.

  2. I had no idea it was Hat Day! Darn it! The boys celebrated it in grand style, though! :)

  3. Henry is a houndsome devil in his dapper red hat!

  4. I had no idea that it was national hat day! Perfect time of year for it. Love the B/W shot. Wagging Wordless Wednesday!
