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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Day

New Year's Day

Oh, come on guys.

It's a beautiful day outside. You can't spend the whole day sprawled out in front of the TV watching football and eating cookies...

New Year's Day

... can you???

New Year's Day
"It's a guy thing, Mom."

You'll get Cookie Bellies...

New Year's Day


I give up.

New Year's Day

Dog Blog Post #919

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 1, 2013 - "One Day"

… in the life of your typical suburban…

113 Pictures in 2013 - "#3. Canine"

… with the boys saying

Daily Dog Challenge "428. Hello 2013!"

… on…

100 Pictures (2013) - "#99. New Year's Day"…

… in that most typical of American Male way - by watching way too much football and eating way too many snacks.

The Monthly Scavenger Hunt January 2013 - "9. Photo taken on January 1st 2013"

Prop Tip

Prop Tip

While I might show a bowl full of cookies in pictures, most of the time I fake it by using a smaller container to fill up as much space as possible.

Add a dusting of cookies on top, and you're good to go.

Why bother?

Because filling these bowls with cookies takes a LOT of cookies, and sometimes I simply don't have enough in the cupboard to do the job.

This method also reduces my loses in the event of drooling.

Editor's Note: Oops, looks like I jumped the gun posting the boy's New Year's Resolutions yesterday, so here they are again for the New Year's Resolution Blog Hop. If you click on them you'll see a full-sized (more readable) image.

New Years 2013 (part 1)

New Years 2013 (part 2)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. sometimes you just need a down day to do absolutely nothing and relax... to recharge... happy wednesday!

  2. Love the picture where one dog is 'sleeping' and the other is 'watching football'! Looks like my house during the Gator Bowl! Happy 2013!

  3. Where did you get all of that stuff! Not fair! How on earth were you able to keep still with all of that awesome stuff around?

  4. You should get at least one of those cookies for being so well behaved while mom takes pictures. More cookies is a great resolution so long as they are healthy cookies. My dogs will get more cookies because I plan on doing more dog training for our resolution.

  5. This was a great post--loved it!!

  6. Well the guys get credit for leaving the cookies alone for a bit! Love the small bowl idea - thanks!

  7. Happy New Year....cookie bellies...love it!

    Sophie Doodle

  8. A wonderful series! Happy New Year!
