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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Student Pictures

Student Picture

Student Picture

Dog Blog Post #920

Photography Assignment

While I can't bring myself to get the bumper sticker, I do have a fridge magnet that reads:

"My Golden Retriever is smarter than your Honor Student"

… and I'm pretty sure there's more than a little truth in it!

I've been known to use…

113 Pictures in 2013 - "#75. Something Borrowed"

… from my son for props, and today I decided to use one of his old High School sweatshirts. I told the boys they could...

Daily Dog Challenge "429. Pick A Color"

… to wear, so long as it was...

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 02, 2013 - "Gray"


On the Cutting Room Floor

I try very, very hard to upload no more than six pictures per day.

That works out to about three per dog, which seems more than enough to me and keeps post-processing to a manageable length of time.

Today, however, I just couldn't pick six.

And while Henry felt Precious Puppies shouldn't have to wear sweatshirts, so I mostly gave him a pass today, Zachary was really getting into it. :)

Student Picture

Student Picture

Student Picture

Student Picture

Student Picture

Editor's Note: This was surprisingly easy to shoot. I just plopped the sweatshirt over the head, pulled the hem straight down to the ground, and fiddled with the hood.

As I was only shooting from the chest up, there was no need to try to get dog legs into sweatshirt arms.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I think this is one of my favorite posts!

  2. smarter than your average 'dog'! so cute! thanks for the smile this mnorning!

  3. Those turned out so cute! What a simple idea with fantastic results!

  4. Oh my dog! Adorable! Little Grey Riding Hood!
