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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

That Explains It


What are you doing with all those single socks???

That Explains It
Zachary: "Socks? What socks?"
The ones on your paws?

The ones I've been looking for.

My fuzzy socks.

Dad's Argyle.

Son's Scull-and-Crossed-Lacrosse-Sticks sock.

(Scull-and-Crossed-Lacrosse-Sticks stock???)

That Explains It
Zachary: "It's all Kitty's fault. She did it. And she even has... a Spooky Sock!"

That's not a Spooky Sock.

That's a Holey Sock.

That Explains It
Zachary: "Really? That's amazing! Call the church. Call the press!!!"
Henry: "I bet it's worth a lot of Cookies!"
No no no... not Holy... Holey.

As in full of holes.

That Explains It
Zachary: "Oh.  I knew that."
Henry: "No Cookies."

Dog Blog Post #946

Photography Assignment

I've always wondered where The Other Sock went.

Now I know, as I spotted the boys with…

Daily Dog Challenge "456. A Curious Mix"

… of single…

113 Pictures in 2013 - "#35. Socks"

… today, including one that Kitty found that qualified for…

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 29, 2013 - "Faces in Places"

(What it is about kids? You buy them fresh socks and they just won't give up the old ones???)

Ah, retrievers - always parading around the house with some article of clothing in their mouth.

And in this case, on their paws!

That Explains It

Dog Photography Tip of the Day

*** Just Do It ***

Yup, that's it.

Today I was about to turn the camera off and call it a day when I decided I give just one try at putting socks on somebody's paws.

I figured it would be a total bust, but hey, it's digital, so what did I have to lose?

(And the camera was waaaaaaaaay over on the other side of the next room in case things got... interesting.)

The result is the shot at the top of the post. I got that one, and one more, then quickly took the socks off before I had Zachary skidding around the hardwood floor.

I guess Nike was right after all. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. my dryer eats socks! glad you solved the 'mystery' as to where those ever elusive missing socks go!

  2. This whole series cracks me up! I love what you did with it and how you answered the challenges!

  3. Socks are ok, but I prefer to dabble in dirty undies or mom's winter gloves ;)

  4. There is so much sock lore out there about where the missing socks go I just don't think we can blame it on the dogs without more exploration. :)

  5. Oh my so cute! I wonder if they have been stealing my missing socks too :0) I'm the newest follower of your blog from Blog Paws Worldless Wednesday! Would love if you could stop by mine! Thanks so very much <^..^>

    The Three Whiskateers

  6. So, do they have a special repository of single socks? Love all those photos.

  7. I loved this so much!! What a gorgeous bunch of boys :)
