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Sunday, January 20, 2013


Monday Mischief

"Momma! We're all dressed for our walk..."

"... sort of..."

"... almost..."

"... perhaps...."

Dog Blog Post #938

Photography Assignment

Do you think they are trying to tell me something here?

Looks like the boys gave up on Hubby and I, as we were watching the 49er-Falcon game, and they decided to put on their…

Our Daily Challenge - Jan 20, 2012 - "Primary"

… colored leashes and collars themselves.

Alas, it's darned…

113 Pictures in 2013 - "#101. Inconvenient"

… not having opposable thumbs!

Food, companionship, a snuggly place to sleep, and regular walks are definitely...

Daily Dog Challenge "447. The Basics"

… in our household!

Go Niners!!!

"I give up."

Editor's Note: Now before you start firing off hate mail at me, they actually got their walk right BEFORE this shoot, as they get so excited when the leashes come out that getting them to sit still for pictures would have been... difficult... to say the least!

That also meant we had calm and happy boys during the 49er-Falcon football game, although they were the only ones in the house who were calm!

Go Niners!!!

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2012 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. glad to hear they got their walks before the big game! nice that your team won!! whoohoo!!

  2. I love how creatively you interpret the cues! And love that your team won. :)

  3. I'm still laughing about how cute these shots came out! I'm also darned curious about how today's picture will come out.

  4. Adorable! and the 49'ers are my son-in-laws team so there will be a Super Bowl gathering this year! Good luck, we'll be rooting for them too -
    Amy and Toby
