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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Be Mine

Be Mine

Be Mine
"Mom! They forgot the fortune cookies!"

Dog Blog Post #959

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "467. Heart Melter"

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 9, 2013 - "Romantic"

A couple more...

Be Mine

Be Mine

The Problem With Props

Fact 1: "Silk" flower petals stick to anything even remotely damp.

Fact 2: My boys, around Cookies, have mouths that are more than remotely damp.

Fact 3: Pulling damp flower petals off dog muzzles between shots is a drag.


For the curious - that's $9.99 for a box of 300 Red Petals from Party City today (less than half were used), plus $3.00 total for two small bags of pink petals from CVS.

(No, I don't work there, nor am I getting reimbursed, nor do I own stock, nor...)

But I have to say that, their limitations (or sticking abilities) aside, they make a pretty cool prop.

I just wish the boys looked better with pink, and that I had a better angle viewing them.

I might just have to try this again using the so far unused White Petals (another $9.99 - also Party City but this time in the Wedding section) and the Red together, and ditching all the pink.

Perhaps go High Key?

Be Mine

Be Mine

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. Woof! Woof! LOVE the rose petals. You don't need a fortune cookie ... have a real Doggie Cookie. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Bunny says to keep the pink ones, or send them to her! I think these shots turned out so cute!
