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Monday, February 11, 2013

Bitey-Face Dreams

Bitey-Face Dreams

Bitey-Face Dreams

Bitey-Face Dreams

Bitey-Face Dreams

Bitey-Face Dreams

Dog Blog Post #961

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 11, 2013 - "Out of Focus"

Daily Dog Challenge "469. Always On My Mind - Take a picture of something that always makes you think of your dog today."

Hmmm… an interesting pairing of topics, and they were Always on My Mind as I went about my day!

But while I considered many options, I kept coming back to the boys playing - fur and feathers and fangs flying - but shot wide open with a slow shutter speed.

Something like a snippet from a dream.

I actually didn't fiddle with the colors on these, with the obvious exception of the blue shot. These are simply slow exposure values plus incandescent lighting.

Speaking of which...

Camera Setup

For the curious, these were shot at f/2 1/10s with my 135mm's Defocus @ 2 and rear-curtain sync for the flash.

Editor's Note:


  • f/2 is wide open for this lens (135mm) and blurs the background
  • 1/10s is a pretty slow shutter speed compared to the 1/125s I typically shoot when the dogs are stationary and the camera is on a tripod, or 1/250s for typical bitey-face - the fastest my camera will shoot with a flash (aka the sync speed)
  • the Defocus Image Control is a feature of my 135mm lens that creates even creamier bokeh (blurriness) in either the foreground or background depending on how you set up the lens. I picked the background for these shots
  • the flash fired at end of the exposure time, right before the rear (second) shutter hurled itself closed

Itchy Henry

The above of a Henry scratching was the lone exception, shot at a slightly faster 1/25s.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. Very very cool job. I really enjoy your Daily Dog Challenge.

    You are all so creative.

    Bert's my Vickie

  2. Woof! Woof! A rough bitey face dream photos. Wish my mom can fully understand the terminology you used in your camera set-up.Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
