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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Donate Today!

Donate Today!

Will you look at that, boys? Looks like the local Animal Shelter doesn't have anybody to man their booth today.

Donate Today!
Zachary: "Empty"
Henry: "What's an Animal Shelter?"

An Animal Shelter is where dogs and cats and birds and little furry creatures end up when they don't have a real home to go to.

If they're lucky, and it's a good shelter, then someone looking for a new best friend will show up adopt them.

Donate Today!
Zachary: "There's pets with no homes?"
Sadly, yes. Thousands of them.

Donate Today!
Zachary: "Can't we do anything about that?"

That's what the shelters are for, and we can help by donating money so they can make the pets as comfortable as possible until they find their forever homes.

Donate Today!
Henry: "We can dog the booth!"
Zachary: "I bet we can find lots of nice people to donate money!"

Dog Blog Post #963

Photography Assignment

The boys decided to hold a fundraiser for the local animal shelter.

What Good Boys!

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 13, 2013 - "Signs of our Humanity"

Daily Dog Challenge "471. Making Us Better Humans"

While my boys are the sons of AKC Champions, having joined our family as pups from a breeder/exhibitor of show dogs, I have a huge soft spot for shelter pets.

I was owned by many wonderful shelter cats over the years, and know how many great pets are out there just waiting for someone to love them.

The year we got Beau (our first Golden) nine years ago, I donated half his purchase price to my favorite local shelter.

It just seemed the right thing to do.

It made me feel so good inside, knowing I was helping to give some amount of comfort in the form of blankets, toys, and treats to pets waiting for their forever homes, that I have continued doing so every year since.

My boys have definitely make me a better human. :)

Donate Today!
"Step right up! For just a few dollars you can help a shelter pet. Step right up!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. This has to be one of my favorite posts ever! I love the whole set up and I'm so jealous that I didn't think of it. I'm surprised Kitty didn't help them out.

  2. This has to be one of my favorite posts ever! I love the whole set up and I'm so jealous that I didn't think of it. I'm surprised Kitty didn't help them out.

  3. Woof! Woof! For sure you'll get lots of donation. LOVE your red bow ties. Happy Valentine’s Day! Golden LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. cheers to the boys for 'steppin' right up'! and Happy Valentine's day to you and yours!
