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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Greed, Gluttony, and Envy

Zachary: "Whatcha got there Mom?"

Since February 20th is Love Your Pet Day, I brought a big pile of cookies for you and Henry to share.

Greed and Envy
Zachary: "Mmmmmm"
Henry: "Share?"

Eh hem, Zachary, that was for you and Henry to share.

Pretty Please
"Momma, Uncle Zachary isn't sharing."

Zachary, don't you know that Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins?


Dog Blog Post #969

Photography Assignment

Did You Know…

Feb 20th is Love Your Pet Day

Unfortunately, my generosity seems to have let to a couple of the...

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 19, 2013 - "Seven Deadly Sins"

… namely Greed and Gluttony on Zachary's part and Envy on Henry's.

Oh Dear.

For the record, the others are lust, pride, and sloth.


There's a good boy!

Editor's Note: Of course they split one of those large Canidae Snap Biscuits when the shoot was done. The one Zachary had drooled on, in fact. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I'm glad to see they redeemed themselves in the end! lol I'd hate to think they were sinners! :P

  2. Gorgeous pics! Happy BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday!

  3. How do you do that ... I mean sit there all that time without gobbling up those treatsies ... my mouth drools just looking at them and you are being so good. I know, I have a "leave it" command too, but for so long ... I am impressed with your self control.

    Izzi @ From The Sol

  4. They were such good boys not to gobble up those treats in front of them. And, it's so nice they shared one... even if it was drooled all over!

    Happy Wednesday!

  5. You guys are amazing, not touching those tasty treats! Mum just gave me an organic doggie sausage, and while she wasn't looking (on computer), I snuck into the kitchen and ate the last 9 that were left!

  6. Good dog, I would barely be able to contain myself with all those treats in front of me. You are some pawesomely behaved doggies!
    *high paws*

  7. The look on Henry's face is priceless!

  8. Woof! Woof! Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  9. Woof! Woof! Happy LOVE your Pet Day ... Enjoy your treats. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
