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Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Ok Henry, where's Zachary's head?

Henry: "Ahhhh!!!!!!" 

Ok Zachary, where's Henry's head?

Fearsome Face!

The real origin of Twister?

Dog Blog Post #956

Photography Assignment

After a busy day, one of my favorite forms of...

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 6, 2013 - "Escape"

… is to sit back watch the boys play.

I have no idea what they see in the game, but they so clearly enjoy it and look so goofy doing it that it's impossible not to smile while watching.

After just a few minutes I'm down on the floor ruffling their furry bellies as they twist and squirm around me.

Whatever it may appear to be in pictures, they are actually incredibly gentle with each other and follow a strict set of rules.

Paws, legs, ears, throats, and muzzles can be tugged and gently held at will, but the rest is off limits.

I have no idea how they came to these rules, but I distinctly remember watching Beau-as-elder with puppy Zachary and Zachary-as-elder with puppy Henry, play with their tails tucked firmly between their legs (protecting their manly bits) for the first 3-4 months until the respective pups could be trusted. :)

Daily Dog Challenge "464. Show Us Those Paws"

Editor's Note: Yes, I do feel a bit guilty every time I answer a challenge with a Bitey-Face picture. No, these aren't hard to get (if you ignore trying to pick a favorite) but what can I say - I love to watch them play!


February 7th is Send A Card to a Friend Day.

And since we labeled February as Friendship Month on our Editorial Calendar, the boys decided to share their card with everyone.


If you want to see the original, it's on yesterday's Toga! Toga! post.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Woof! Woof! Golden high five to you too. I make that bitey face and mom always calls it a Lion face. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Greetings to you and yours! thanks for the 'smile' this morning! I love seeing what you come up with!
    goldens do have a very distinct way of playing!

  3. I love how your boys love to play.Love the artistic rendering of the photo!

  4. Ha! What a cute answer to the challenge!

    *sigh* Not a ray of sunlight here today for a shadow!
