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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness Day

Random Act of Kindness
"I gave Kitty some roses, Mom!"

That's very kind of you, Zachary.

Random Act of Kindness
(sniff sniff sniiiiiiiiiiiiiif)
Zachary? Don't even...

Stop and Eat the Flowers


Dog Blog Post #966

Photography Assignment

Awww…. Zachary gave flowers to Miss Kitty. :)


Feb 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day?

At least according to Holiday Insights and Days of the Year.

Wikipedia pegs it on September 1st.


Folks can't even agree on when we should be randomly kind.

Daily Dog Challenge "474. Vivid Colors"

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 16, 2013 - "Multicolor"

Random Act of Kindness
(whisper whisper whisper)

Hmmm... I wonder what Henry is whispering into Miss. Kitty's ear?

Random Act of Kindness
"I'll never tell!"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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