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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Still Waiting

Still Waiting
"I put out Cookies for the Mail Carrier, Momma."

Why Henry, that was very sweet of you.

Still Waiting
"And I added some flowers to make the box prettier."

I'm sure the Mail Carrier will be delighted to deliver Valentines to such a pretty box.

Still Waiting
"And a stop sign so now they really HAVE to stop!"

Dog Blog Post #962

Photography Assignment

The boys took a hint from the local…

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 12, 2013 - "Street Signs"

… and decided to set up their own...

Daily Dog Challenge "470. Red"

… stop sign (and bowl of Cookies!) so the Mail Carrier wouldn't accidentally miss their Mail Box on Valentine's Day.

113 Pictures in 2013 - "#5. One Word"

Fun With Props

You know, making my own STOP sign wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be.


There is an on-line Octagon Layout Calculator where you can enter one of three different dimensions and it calculates the other two. Perfect for making a STOP sign out of a piece of red foam.

The STOP was created in PowerPoint by picking a close-enough font, making the STOP fill the page, and setting the font outline to black and the fill to nothing. A little cutting and double-stick taping and ta-da. (Almost) Instant stop sign.

I must say, as far as homemade props go, I was pretty pleased with how this one came out. :)

Still Waiting

Still Waiting
"Cookies? For me?"

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Woof! Woof! The STOP sign looks great. Happy WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. What a good dog "stopping" and not taking those tasty treats! Photo looks great. Wagging Valentine's to you too!

  3. Ha! I thought it was a real stop sign! I don't see how anyone could forget to bring valentines to such a sweet boy! :)

  4. and here I thought that you 'borrowed' a stop sign! Nice job..sure hope the mailbox is full for the boys!

  5. Oh wow!! all the photos are awesome. Very clear and very cute dog too

  6. Good idea to add the stop sign to remind everyone to stop and have a cookie and give a valentine. But, I'm sure you would have received lots of valentines without it too!

  7. Nice job on the sign!! Happy Valentine's Day.

  8. Such sweet photos for Valentine's Day!

  9. The stop sign looks great! Cute pup
