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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl XLVII

A Super Bowl XLVII recap for 49er fans...

Super Bowl XLVII
Zachary: "Go Niners!"
Henry: "Aren't crows related to ravens?"

Super Bowl XLVII
Zachary: "Ugh"
Henry: "Can't watch."

Super Bowl XLVII
Zachary: "Ewwww"
Henry: "Still not watching."

Super Bowl XLVII
Zachary: "Rally cap time."
Henry: "Staring at the ceiling... mostly..."

Super Bowl XLVII
Zachary: "Go Niners! Go Niners!"
Henry: "Just one more score and we'll win!"

Super Bowl XLVII
Zachary: "!@#$ refs"
Henry: "Not fair."

Super Bowl XLVII

Dog Blog Post #953

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "461 Got Game?

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 3, 2013 - "Something You Dislike"


Super Bowl XLVII


Oh well, there's always next year.

Monday Mischief

I think the above just about sums it up.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. I love how you captured the emotions during this whole series! And I am sorry about your loss, but at least the commercials were awesome!

  2. sigh..so sorry your team lost, boys..maybe next year?
