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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Toga! Toga!

Toga! Toga!

Toga! Toga!

Toga! Toga!

Toga! Toga!

Toga! Toga!

Dog Blog Post #955

Photography Assignment

Does a…

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 5, 2013 - "Double"

… dose of toga draped dogs qualify as…

Daily Dog Challenge "463. Something Whimsical"


I sure hope so!

Wait… what's in those cups?


Behind the Scenes

Yes, of course there was a cookie in the bottom of each cup, although Henry - professional that he is - shoved his muzzle in the empty cup as soon as I placed it in front on him.

I had to pull the cup off to put the cookie in, then he promptly shoved it back in again.

Oddly enough, neither dog actually tried to get the cookie. They just sat there with their muzzles in the cups. :)

And on other subjects...

Is anyone else getting tired of always seeing the boys with their noses pointed to the right?

Honestly, it's not because I lack the imagination to photograph them with their noses pointing to the left. Rather it has to do with limited space, the location of the camera vs. the six foot sofa, and how easily one can cram a photography umbrella in said space without it showing.

It just works out that the camera is shaded to the left (to avoid said sofa) so the umbrella ends up to the right and the reflector on the left.

I'm tempted to just flip the pictures around in Aperture, to shake things up a bit, but that seems a bit silly.

What do you think?

Is variety the spice of life, or should I go with reality and leave them facing stage right? (Is that stage left? I can never remember.)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. no matter what you do with those two boys of yours..albeit left or right?..it is always entertaining!!

  2. Woof! Woof! The cookie trick ... Happy Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. You know I've never really noticed which direction they are facing... I'm just looking at their cute pics!

  4. Thanks for the explanation! Now I can see how the lighting is working. Still though, your photos always have a softness with your lighting I really like. I try to dial down my flash when using the umbrella but it still looks so harsh. Probably the black dog syndrome striking ;)
