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Sunday, February 10, 2013

What's This?

What's This?

What's This?
Sniff Snuffle Snuffle
"What's This?"

What's This?
"Up periscope!"

What's This?
Henry: "Why, what have we here?"
Zachary: "Smells goooood!"

What's This?
Zachary: "If... stretch... taste..."


No poaching!

Dog Blog Post #960

Photography Assignment

Everyone knows a dog's sense of…

Our Daily Challenge - Feb 10, 2013 - "Smell"

… is extremely sharp. There's no doubt that for these guys...

Daily Dog Challenge "468. The Nose Knows"

… exactly what's sitting on the table in my…

113 Pictures in 2013 - "#96. A Shot Take in your Kitchen."

Did You Know...

February 11th is Make a Friend Day.

Coincidence that we declared it Friendship Month on our Editorial Calendar? I think not!

And what better way to make a (canine) friend than by buying them a Big Cheeseburger. :)

All Gone

Sorry Henry.

All Gone

I think that's just about enough Mischief for this Monday, don' you? :)

Editor's Note: As someone is bound to ask - yes, they split the burger evenly between them for lunch when the shoot was done, then got an extra walk to burn off the extra calories. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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