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Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Bad Idea

Watching TV
Henry: "Whatcha watching Uncle Zachary?"
Zachary & Kitty: "Zombies"

Watching TV
TV:  "Uuuuunnnnngggg"
Zachary: "Cool!"
Kitty: "I don't think Mom would approve."
Henry: "I don't like Zombies."

Watching TV
(screams... munching... crunching...)
Zachary: "Ewwww"
Kitty: "I think I'm going to be sick."
Henry: "I can't bear to watch."

What in the world are you three watching???

Zachary, if Henry gets nightmares again...

Watching TV
Kitty: "Give me that switcher."
Henry: "You are so busted."
Zachary: (gulp)

Dog Blog Post #980

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "489. Three is Company"

… while watching TV.

I might have played with the color just wee bit here to try and get that "TV glow".

Watching TV
Zachary: "Should have known, 'The Lion King'."
Henry & Kitty: "Hakuna Matata!"

Monday Mischief

Zombies = Mischief in my book.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. You make me feel like that REALLY is their conversation. This is sooo much better than reading the newspaper! AND so much cuter! Thanks!

  2. Love it! Reminds me of when our 3 kids got ahold of the clicker...years ago...

  3. Clever Kitty! Finn and I can't watch TV by ourselves because we don't know how to work the remote controls!!

  4. Pawsome! I love watching other dogs on TV, but Lion King sounds cool too *Waggy tail*. Cute photos too!

  5. I love it! We've been known to indulge in a Walking Dead marathon or two here. Tell Zachary he can come over here and watch TV anytime!

    That is such a perfect set up for the assignment! Wouldn't you know the ODC would totally throw a wrench in my plans for today? Darn it!

  6. I love it! We've been known to indulge in a Walking Dead marathon or two here. Tell Zachary he can come over here and watch TV anytime!

    That is such a perfect set up for the assignment! Wouldn't you know the ODC would totally throw a wrench in my plans for today? Darn it!

  7. WE had to do some catch up since we have been gone so much lately, we love all three posts that we missed, especially Optimist or Pessimist.

    Bert and My Vickei

  8. Watching the Walking Dead? The episode Sunday has plenty of blood again :)

  9. hopefully there was no nightmares at your house!..the boys look mighty cozy on the couch!
