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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Little Door

A Little Door

Dog Blog Post #982

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 5, 2013 - "Down the Rabbit Hole"

"… she came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before, and behind it was a little door about fifteen inches high" -- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Daily Dog Challenge "491. Favorite Dog Quote"

"A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of." -- Ogden Nash

A Little Door
"Hey Mom, did you know there was a little green door behind the red curtains in the kitchen?"

Don't be silly Zachary, you know there aren't any red curtains in the kitchen.

A Little Door

A Little Door
"I must be hallucinating from a lack of cookies."

A Little Door
Henry: "Here little white rabbit. Come out, come out, where ever you are."

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Woof! Woof! What a great set. I guess its not really a box and no treats inside. Happy Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Oh this is so cool! I love your pictures for today!

    I hope you have a great day!

    Ralph :)

  3. Cute photos!
    And that quote is... well, very accurate! They will wag their tails to go out and promptly turn around, sit down, and stare at me though the door once there.

  4. Was just thinking with your mad photography skills you should make a photo children's book!! Oh, the heck with that...made an ADULT one...that just means MORE pix really :)

  5. Zachary,
    Did you say rabbit! Hope you got your cookie too. Have a wagging week.

  6. I had to leave a comment when I read the comment from Loving Max. You are so talented at inventing a story to go with your photos and writing the dialogue for Henry and Zachary. You really should make a children's book.

  7. I love the story that went with the pictures. Very cool. Happy WW!

  8. Total jackpot! Oh, how I wish I had thought of this! It's just enchanting and perfect!

  9. How very cool, was there a magic cookie or elixir involved for shrinking to get through the door?

    Happy Wednesday!

  10. Your pups always make me smile! Now give that poor doggie a treat! LOL Happy WW!

  11. Wow, those pics tell a story. Love it!
