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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Breaking the Rules

Empty Dog Food Bags
The Bait

Naughty Dogs

Naughty Dog
Henry: "It's got me!"

Dog Blog Post #984

Photography Assignment

I'm pretty sure shoving half your body into a dog food bag is…

Daily Dog Challenge "493. Outside The Rules"

… but even my good boys…

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 7, 2013 - "Break the Rules"

… sometimes. :)

The boys wanted everyone to know that this was one of the best shoots ever. They had a blast shoving their heads into the crinkly bags to go fishing for the cookies I was tossing inside, and then they got to pounce on, shake, and rip the bags!

Yup, a good time was had by all.

Naughty Dog
Zachary, showing off his much improved figure

Naughty Dog
Henry, reminding everyone he has a LOT more fur than Zachary

Naughty Dog
This was my favorite shot (Zachary)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

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  1. Bunny is already after me for a photo shoot just like this one! lol

  2. Oh my - my pups would love that photo shoot! Beautiful photos.

  3. Would be Max's favorite shoot too! :)
