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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Coming Soon

Coming Soon
Zachary: "... and I'm sure Farmer Cluck's Farm Fresh Cookies for Canines would be perfect in your new shop."
Miss Kitty: "They smell wonderful."

Coming Soon
Miss Kitty: "It was really nice of you to stop by."
Zachary: "It was nothing."

Coming Soon
Miss Kitty: "And you're sure dogs will love them?"
Zachary: "Ha! You'll see when Henry gets here."

Dog Blog Post #1001

Photography Assignment

Looks like Miss Kitty's Pastry Shop is Coming Soon!

I bet Henry, an ever hungry Canine, will be more than happy to sample one of those Crunchy Cookies from Down on the Farm.

And doesn't Miss Kitty Cat look quite Charming in her new Collar. I just hope she doesn't get Caught in the Curling ribbon!

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 19, 2013 - "Begins with 'C'"

Daily Dog Challenge "510. "Pastel Pooch"

Coming Soon
Henry: "Cookies!"
Miss Kitty: "Would you like a sample?"

Coming Soon
Henry: "I just ate three over at Farmer Cluck's, I don't think Momma would..."

Momma would what, Henry?

Coming Soon
Henry: "Pleeeeeese may I have just one... or two... three more?"

Monday Mischief

I'm pretty sure there's Mischief lurking somewhere in the mosaic below.

Today's Shoot - Behind the Scene

Perhaps it's Henry not wanting to smile today. Or maybe he's not smiling because I chopped the top of his head off. And why is Zachary standing behind Kitty, anyway? Then again, why are parts of me in so many shots???

Editor's Note: Today's post is running a bit long, but stop by tomorrow for a Making Of description for the Mosaic.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Zachary and Henry are so cute! My puppy is so tired after playing in a dog park yesterday.

  2. Both are cuties but I gotta give the winning pix today to Henry :) Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds for the adventures of Henry and Zachary!!

  3. Ditto Loving Max. Pawsome post as always. See you tomorrow. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. I am totally in love with this wholes series and how you set it up! Wow! You did such a great job with it!

  5. Woof! Woof! LOVE the 3rd photo. I get those non smiling moment too. Happy Monday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
