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Monday, March 25, 2013

Fun With Hats

Fun With Hats

Fun With Hats

Dog Blog Post #1002

What is it about a dog wearing a hat?

The mosaics contain the same images, the only difference being the picture I placed in the middle.

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "511. Head Shot"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 25, 2013 - "A Tough Act to Follow"

Making Of...

This is the as promised description to go with the mosaic at the bottom of yesterday's Coming Soon post...

Today's Shoot - Behind the Scene

For grins and giggles, I assembled a mosaic of the complete shoot, minus 3-4 "center the camera" shots at the very beginning.

This was about as typical a shoot as they come, both in quantity and "quality" of shots. :)

As always, Henry went first. Zachary's pictures start at #11 and of course he had his eyes closed. Miss Kitty, a perfectionist in all she does, performed admirably in every shot.

The pictures were imported as RAW from the Nikon into Aperture then immediately exported as JPEGs, completely unchanged, into My Memories Suite (digital scrapbooking app) where I shrank the images and created the mosaic.

They were arranged in the order taken, from left to right, top to bottom.

I backed the camera up in middle of Henry's shoot (thus Kitty showing up alone again as a test shot) and I still didn't have the camera far enough away as I chopped the top of Henry's head off. (sigh)

The final layout was exported as a single JPEG, opened in Previewer for a simple Sharpen and Auto-Levels (to overcome the fact they started out RAW), and that's it.

Look closely enough, and you'll spot drool and me in #3 and #4 - notice Henry is focusing on my hand like a good boy! - plus several others.

As always, the hardest part was deciding which images to choose. This used to be a huge time sink, but through much trial and error I've managed to reduce it substantially.

Assuming nothing noteworthy happens in the boys' world, I'll include a few tips on that tomorrow.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. LOVE them ALL!!! Henry and Zachary are just tooooo cute for words!!!

  2. Fabulous. We can learn a thing or two from you. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly.

  3. Woof! Woof! CUTE! Love the MM hat. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. Those hat mosaics would make fabulous posters or greeting cards! I adore every one of them! :)
