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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Optimist or Pessimist

Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard
Zachary: "Well, what have we here? The Cookie Cupboard standing wide open..."

Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard
"... and Mom busy doing the dishes, with her back turned toward me."

Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard
"He he he he"

Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard
(munch munch munch)

Dog Blog Post #981

Photography Assignment

Daily Dog Challenge "488. Half Full or Half Empty - What is your dog's natural outlook on things?"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 2, 2013 - "Optimist or Pessimist"


The boys are definitely Optimists, and they are confident that the Cookie Cupboard is never bare…

… not that they won't check for themselves given a chance.

Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard
Henry: "Well, what have we here?..."

Editor's Note

I want to thank all who commented on yesterday's Renaming a Blog? question!

I actually was only contemplating changing the banner (which meant it wouldn't match the URL, hence my trepidation) - the thought of changing the domain, suggested by several folks, is... rather scary!

It is an intriguing idea, although the thought of 981 blog entries going up in smoke should something go wrong...


And idea worth pondering, though.

For those (if any) who have purchased a Domain but stayed with Blogger - did things go well? Oz the Terrier makes it sound like it was easy Cookies. :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I cannot let Morgan and Kuster see this! I love the idea, though, it was perfect!

    I moved a Blogger blog to Wordpress and had no trouble at all. It's not as hard as you probably think it is to move over. If it's something you're really thinking about, I'd say give it a try!

  2. Woof! Woof! Hmmm everything was covered ... No Chance at all. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    I'll get out of blogger ... another reason Google owns your blog, in WP you do. As we said If you change your domain/url the old Blogger url suppose to re-direct to the new on (we had issue with blogger when mom did the transfer as blogger does it like it.) The scary part is the migration of all the post. Mom did it herself, luckily she did not loose any posts. The only thing you need to remember the old photos in blogger will not be in your WP Media directory. Those old photos will be in Google/Blogger's photo directory.

  3. Optimist hands down! Zachary and Henry are smart cookies! :) I can't seem for the life of me to get Max to learn the "come" command but he knows after morning potty time he stands by the cabinet and dances for his treat!And keys MUST mean "it's all about Max time"...he's going somewhere...and wherever that is...he KNOWS someone will fuss over him so optimist definitely!!! You WILL notice Max and pet him! :)

  4. Oh, Sage is the perpetual optimist. That next adventure is always on the horizon...and, actually, it is!

    I haven't changed domains, but am totally satisfied with Wordpress!
