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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Still Life With Lacrosse Balls

Still Life With Lacrosse Balls

Still Life With Lacrosse Balls

Dog Blog Post #991

Photography Assignment

Life imitates art?

The top shot is Zachary channeling his inner Paul Cézanne. To see my inspiration, try googling "paul cezanne still life apples".

Recreating (and I use that term quite liberally) an impressionist-style painting has been on my to-do list for some time now.


Daily Dog Challenge "500. Dream Shot"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 14, 2013 - "The Next Level"

... was a good excuse to give it a try!

This was made painterly with the help of Big Huge Labs (which apparently doesn't make Big Huge Images for downloading - sigh)

Henry's picture was created there using "Sketch".

The boys liked them so much, the insisted I have them framed...

Still Life With Lacrosse Balls

Still Life With Lacrosse Balls

Perhaps all is forgive after yesterday's They Don't Pay Me Enough (Flower Dog) shoot.

I find the effects interesting, but I think I prefer the originals...

Still Life With Lacrosse Balls

Still Life With Lacrosse Balls

How about you?

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Aw, but Henry looks a little sad in his picture....I wanted to reach out and pet his sweet little face!!! Great job to get that emotion from me like that! You never stop blowing me away!

  2. I love the results you got, especially with the one you used for the challenges! The boys are both definitely works of art!

  3. I prefer the original!..nothing like a golden and his favorite things!!

  4. It's fun to play with some of the effects you can do, but, I agree, the original is the best!
