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Friday, March 22, 2013

The Artist

The Artist
"... add the whiskers.... and we're done. Perfect!"

The Artist
"Guess what, Momma? Uncle Zachary said Kitty and I should run off to Paris and become famous artists!"

What a wonderful idea, dear! I bet you two would have a lovely time.

Of course, the house would be awfully quiet without you around, and I'm sure Uncle Zachary would be oh so lonely.

Why, he'd have nobody to share the big, soft, cozy bed with, nor would there be anybody to help him eat all the Cookies....

The Artist

Yup, it was really kind of Uncle Zachary to be willing to sacrifice so much for your happiness.

The Artist

Dog Blog Post #998

Photography Assignment

Henry (above) taking inspiration from a painting my mom made of my beloved Tiger cat, as he tries his paw at sketching Kitty.

Daily Dog Challenge "507. An Homage"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 21, 2013 - "O Captain, My Captain" - "a chance to pay tribute and celebrate one of your mentors."

Left to my own devices, it would be impossible for me to choose between my Mom and my Dad for this challenge.

The fact this is a visual challenge - and one with the boys - tipped the scales in favor of my Mom.

My Mom is an artist of mainly nature and still life, in semi-abstract forms.

As I was growing up she always encourage creativity and imagination in my own drawings, pen and ink, and childhood writing.

This is quite possibly the only full-sized animal painting she has ever done. :)

The Artist
Zachary, Art Critic


-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Wow now I get where the artistic side is from!! Wow your Mom was one super talented artist to have done that - it's beautiful!!! Thanks for showing us!!

  2. Your mom was incredibly talented, and the apple didn't fall far from the tree! I love your take on this assignment. The idea of Henry and Kitty running off to Paris together had me giggling, too! I wonder if Henry will ever pull the wool over Zachary's eyes...

  3. an artist too?..my goodness, there is many talented 'people' at your house! Now as for Henry and kitty moving to Paris?..are you sure that Zachary just doesn't want the bed and all the cookies just for himself? :)

  4. That's a beautiful portrait. I'm glad you gave us the closeup view to appreciate all the angles and use of color.

  5. That is a great portrait of Tiger. Henry and Kitty down and out in Paris, LOL! Will they be able to survive without treats?
    Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. What a great artist your mom is. The picture is incredible.

  7. Woof! Woof! That is Purrsome. Great talented artist. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  8. Hi there,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, had a read of your comment on my um her site :)

    And thus, we are both sitting here, gazing at such incredible talent.

    And as Penny would say have a pawsitive weekend.

    Penny's human,

    Gary :)

  9. I was really amazed on that beautiful artwork, and you you look more cool on your pictures with kitty! :)

  10. Henry, you can be famous and NOT go to Paris. You have your Mom and her Mom as good models to follow. Besides, don't let Zachary fool you. He's just after your cookies. :)
