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Monday, March 4, 2013

The Secret Life...

The Secret Life...

Dog Blog Post #981

Photography Assignment

Ever wonder what dogs do when you aren't there?

Daily Dog Challenge "490. Natural Dog"

Our Daily Challenge - Mar 4, 2013 - "Dress It Up"

If the group admin were plotting together to stump the photographer, they succeeded!

I drew a total blank as to how to blend these two challenges together in a single shot.

The Natural Dog

Yes, believe it or not, the boys do occasionally act like "normal" dogs. :)

Natural Dogs

Natural Dogs
... or sheep, in the case of Henry

Dress It Up

But only occasionally.

Night Out

Night Out

Fun With Props

I couldn't believe my good luck this weekend.

While strolling through Kohls, I found this awesome red Zippered Tie.

And it was on sale for just $6.80!

Hard to believe these weren't jumping off the racks, isn't it? :)

You just pull on the neck part to unzipper it, slip it over your dog's neck, then pull on the short end to zipper it back up to wherever you want it.

What a deal! :)

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Hey can you email me if you get a free moment - I have photo questions for ya. I REALLY love your photos and look forward to seeing what creative stuff you'll come up with next!! dogloverofmax@gmail.com

  2. we all now that your boys are just regular goldens too! nice flowing fur they have!!..and the zippered tie?..that was a deal!!

  3. That tie was a steal! I wandered over to my local party supply store last October for costumes. For the ducks.

  4. Woof! Woof! That's cool that you put 2 photos together. Mom forgot how to do. Golden Sniffs is always a MUST when outdoors. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  5. Woof! Woof! That's cool that you put 2 photos together. Mom forgot how to do. Golden Sniffs is always a MUST when outdoors. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  6. Hmmm... I wonder how Kuster would feel about a zippered tie...

    I love this! Although when I first saw their fancy duds, I thought the boys might be playing poker!

  7. The outdoor shots are so beautiful, bright and pretty. Love the natural shots.

  8. Oh my goodness,I'm been reading some of your previous post and I love your blog!! I kinda stumbled upon it via Flickr, Houndstooth and KB. All of you take such wonderful photos, I am so jealous. Houndstooth told me about the Flickr site a while and I'd love to join the fun, but don't think I'm on the same playing field as you all. Need more practice and creativity!! Will be following you via my favorites, can't wait to see what comes up next. Thanks for the smiles this snowy sunday!

    if you have a moment I hope you will stop by.
