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Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day

Ok, boys.

Now if I could just have your attention here for the Earth Day shoot...

Earth Day
Henry: "Zachary, Momma's waiting with the camera. Zachary!"

A little attention, please?

Earth Day
Henry: "Cheesy Burger?"


You're holding everything up. They need these pictures for the Earth Day flier about reusable shopping bags.

And what's this I heard about you picking up a non-recyclable, non-decomposable, bag of treats - on Earth Day of all days.

Earth Day
Zachary: "Sorry Mom."
Henry: "Busted."

You would think on this one day of the year you could...

Earth Day
Henry: "Wait, are those the turkey treats? I just love those things."


Earth Day
Henry: "Are you sure you got them? I don't smell anything."
Zachary: "Yeah, over on the left..."


Earth Day
"Cheesy Burgers!"

And they wonder why I get gray hair.

Dog Blog Post #1029

Photography Assignment

Our Daily Challenge - April 22, 2013 - "Natural Light"

Natural Light

I hadn't planned on two shoots, but the Natural Light through the window was lovely and it didn't have a darn thing to do with Earth Day...

Natural Light
Mr. Zachary

The picture above is my favorite on the day.

Natural Light
Henry, in the waning light of the late afternoon through the blinds.

For the shot above, the camera and I are facing the window, Henry's laying at my feet facing me, and the image is of the nap of his neck at the bottom of the picture extending up toward his shoulders at the top.

-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!

© 2013 BZ Dogs - All Rights Reserved


  1. Did someone say Cheesy Burger?

  2. That photo of Mr Zachary is just aroootiful!!

    Now...point us in the direction of the cheesy burgers please!

    Wally & Sammy

  3. Cheesy Burgers.....I on my way. Happy Earth Day to you. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Yup, we are focused on the cheesy burger too! Happy Earth Day guys!

  5. Jackpot on this one! Love the Earth Day message - haha "cheesy burgers?" but the photo of Zachary in the light is lovely. The light makes his whiskers glow too.

  6. Cheesy burger? Riley will be right over!! :)

    Love that last pic of them and the Trader Joe's bag!

    Elyse and Riley

  7. The earth day shots are hilarious!

  8. You just can't beat that spot on guilty Zachary look, talk about ripping my heart out...that face! Wow you are the Queen!

  9. You just can't beat that spot on guilty Zachary look, talk about ripping my heart out...that face! Wow you are the Queen!
