Dog Blog Post #1019
Sorry, I probably should have warned you to wear shades.
Photography Assignment
Peace and Love - sounds likes a Golden Retriever to me!
Daily Dog Challenge "528. Inner Star"
Our Daily Challenge - April 11, 2013 - "Album Cover"
Slightly Less Blinding?

The Originals
Yes, believe it or not, the background is real.
I picked the fabric up this weekend On Sale! I figured I'd trot it out next time somebody threw "Rainbow" or "Vivid" or "Bright" at us.
When I told Hubby about the great deal I got on it (2/3 off) he replied, "I can see why." :)
The Special Effects were done in Comic Life 2, mostly so I could get that groovy font.
Q and A
Sugar the Golden Retriever asked if I actually bought a roll of "warning restricted area" tape for yesterday's Dogs At Work post, and the answer is: No.
The cones and tape were pilfered from one of Hubby's bins out in the garage and were originally purchased for Capture the Flag many moons ago. I knew the cones were there, but the tape was a pleasant surprise in the bottom of the bin.
As it is extremely rare for me to have time to purchase props for a shoot, given my 24 hour turn around time, most items are scrounged from whatever I can find in the house - and pretty much everybody's stuff is fair game. :)
I think locating props is part of the fun, and many an evening I'll be strolling around the house chanting the challenge of the day seeking inspiration (e.g. Album Cover, Album Cover, Album Cover...)
-- Like the idea of a daily dog photography prompt? Click on Daily Dog Challenge and join us!
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Have a fabulous flower power groovy Friday. Peace!
Best wishes Molly
Gravey..... er I mean GROOVY!
Far out man! Love it!
I love your final results, although I think I like the second one a little better than the first because of how the ribbon makes those lines around him. You did another great job on the challenges today!
Cool!! All you need is a little tie dye now.
Love those groovy flower pups!
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